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Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's Free-Range Parenting Adventure in Denmark

Kristen Bell

During a recent trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard decided to embrace a more relaxed parenting style, allowing their daughters, Lincoln, 11, and Delta, 9, to explore Tivoli Gardens on their own. Known for her candid and unconventional approach to parenting, Bell revealed the experience during an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

The couple stayed at a hotel attached to the iconic amusement park, giving their children the freedom to roam freely within the seven-acre park. Bell recounted, "They woke up at like 6:00 every morning. They scanned their bracelets to go outside. We didn’t see them for seven hours. Just running around Copenhagen."

While the free-range parenting style may not be for everyone, Bell and Shepard were thrilled with the results. "It was heaven," Bell exclaimed. "We just had coffee, we played Spades, and then around 3:00 we’d be like, ‘Anybody see them?’ and then one of them would run up and need a Band-Aid or whatever."

The decision to let their daughters have such independence sparked curiosity, with host Jimmy Kimmel questioning the safety and implications. Bell humorously assured viewers that their daughters returned home safely. "They’re both alive," she joked.

Bell highlighted the broader impact of travel on their family values, emphasizing its importance in expanding their children’s worldviews. "We try to travel with the kids every summer, somewhere where we just say, ‘We’re gonna pick a place on the globe, and we’re not gonna know the language, we’re not gonna know what the smells are, we’re not gonna know what the food is like — we’re just gonna see how other people live and observe,’" she explained, affirming the family's commitment to experiencing and understanding different cultures.

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